Main Podium


1.      "Utilizzo della colla di fibrina umana in chirurgia parodontale" III SIdP National Congress, Venezia (Italy), March 14-16, 1985
2.      “Uso dei collanti biologici in chirurgia parodontale” Centro Ricerche Mediche. Cagliari (Italy). April 12-14, 1985.
3.      "Utilizzo della colla di fibrina umana in chirurgia parodontale". Multidisciplinary Meeting, Catania (Italy), June 14, 1985.
4.      “Vantaggi operativi derivanti dall’uso di colla di fibrina umana in terapia parodontale” XX Congresso Nazionale SIOCMF. Saint Vincent (ITaly). September 26-29, 1985


5.      "Diagnostica parodontale computerizzata" III SIdP International Congress, Milano (Italy), June 4-7, 1986.
6.      “La terapia parodontale” ANDI Toscana. Firenze (Italy). June 12, 1986.
7.      “Attualità in parodontologia: la chirurgia senza suture – la diagnosi parodontale oggi” ANDI Lombardia. Milano (Italy), December 5-6, 1986.


8.     "Aggiornamenti clinici in parodontologia" 1st SIdP Continuing Education Course, Rimini (Italy), March 28, 1987.


9.      “I problemi parodontali in terapia ortodontica” Congresso SIRIO. Milano (Italy). January 20-21, 1989.
10.      “Attualità in parodontologia” ANDI Ravenna. Forlì (Italy). March 12, 1988.
11.      “Modalità di guarigione della ferita chirurgica” Corso di Aggiornamento SIdP. Rimini (Italy). March 17-18, 1989.
12.      “Attualità in parodontologia” ANDI Ravenna. Forlì (Italy). April 23, 1988.
13.       “La rigenerazione guidata dei tessuti parodontali” Corso Un di Napoli II Istituto di Discipline Odontostomatologiche. Napoli (Italy). May 13, 1988.
14.      “Attualità in parodontologia” ANDI Ravenna. Forlì (Italy). June 25, 1988.
15.       “Basi biologiche della rigenerazione guidata con membrane”. 80° Anniversario ISI. Milano (Italy). October 7-8, 1988.
            "Attachment gain and epithelium displacement following resective surgery in dogs", Research Forum of the 74˚ meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, San Diego (California), October 26-29, 1988.

16.      "Attachment gain and epithelium displacement following resective surgery in dogs", Research Forum of the 74˚ meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, San Diego (California), October 26-29, 1988. 


17.      “Efficacia di un gel di clorexidina all’1% sul riassorbimento osseo nella parodontite indotta nel cane” V Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy) June 1-3, 1989.
18.      "Effect of chlorhexidine gel on bone resorption in experimental periodontitis", Poster session of the 75˚ AAP Meeting, Washington D.C., October 25-28, 1989.
19.      "Guided tissue regeneration with different materials and fibrin fibronectin sealing system (Tissucol)", Projected Clinics of the 75˚ AAP Meeting, Washington D.C., October 25-28, 1989.
20.      “Guided tissue regeneration” Seminar for Residents of the New York University. New York (USA). October 30, 1989.
21.      “Rigenerazione guidata con tre differenti tipi di membrane microporose” XXII Congresso Nazionale SIOCMF. Roma (Italy). December 6-9, 1989.


22.      Chirurgia mucogengivale nel paziente ortodontico” ANDI Forlì – Ravenna. Faenza (Italy). September 29, 1990.
23.      "Mucogingival problems in children related to orthodontics; mucogingival interceptive therapy: long term effect", Projected clinics of the 76˚ meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, Dallas (Texas), October 24-27, 1990.
24.      “Valutazione longitudinale della chirurgia mucogengivale intercettiva” 3° Dental Meeting Nuova Dentale. Firenze (Italy). November 1-3, 1990.
25.      “La rigenerazione guidata dei tessuti associata al materiale parodontale Gore-tex” VI AIO SCientific Meeting. Firenze (Italy). November 23-25, 1990.


26.      “Rapporti tra parodontologia e conservativa” Corso di Aggiornamento SIdP. Matera (Italy). January 19-20, 1991.
27.      “La chirurgia parodontale” ANDI Lombardia. Milano (Italy). January 21-25, 1991.
28.      “Studio longitudinale dei risultati della chirurgia mucogengivale intercettiva” VI Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Sorrento (Italy). February 7-9, 1991.
29.      “Ruolo della prevenzione in parodontologia”. ANDI Lucca e Pistoia. Pietrasanta (Italy). July 13, 1991.
30.      "GTR in infrabony defects in humans with and without the use of a fibrin fibronectin sealing system", Poster session of the 77˚ meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, Vancouver (Canada), October 2-5, 1991.
31.      "Rigenerazione guidata con membrane e utilizzo di fibrina e fibronectina" 79˚Annual World Dental Congress of FDI, Milano (Italy), October 7-13, 1991.
32.      “Applicazioni e limiti della terapia rigenerativa con membrane” ANDI Bologna. Bologna (Italy). November 8, 1991.


33.      “La rigenerazione guidata con membrane” XXXV Comgresso Amici di Brugg. Rimini (Italy). May 21-23, 1992.
34.      “Applicazione clinica e limiti della terapia rigenerativa con membrane”. ANDI Varese. Varese (Italy). June 18, 1992.
35.      “Terapia parodontale della radice esposta” 1° Corso interdisciplinare VideoMedicalClub. Como (Italy). June 19-20, 1992.
36.      "Diagnostic accuracy to detect bone gain in vertical defects following GTR" Poster session of the ICOB (International Conference in Oral Biology) meeting, Edimburg (Scotland), July 1992.
37.      “La rigenerazione guidata nel trattamento delle recesisoni gengivali” ANDI Piacenza. Piacenza (italy). October 6, 1992.
38.      “Cosa c’è di Nuovo nella rigenerazione guidata dei tessuti: l’uso della colla di fibrina” Corso Avanzato Gore. Bologna (Italy) October 30-31, 1992.


39.      "Resultats a long term de la R.T.G. dans le traitement des lesions infraosseuses: evaluation clinique et radiographique", Continuining Education course of the French Society of Periodontology, Paris (France), January 16, 1993.
40.      "1st European Workshop on Periodontology" organized by the European Federation of Periodontology, Ittingen (Svitzerland), January 31-February 4 1993.
41.      “Aggiornamenti in parodontologia” ANDI Forlì – Ravenna. Riccione (Italy). March 6, 1993.
42.      "Guarigione dei difetti ossei angolari", Lectura Magistralis of the VII SIdP National Congress, Riccione (Italy), May 6-8 1993.
43.      "Management of intrabony defects", Continuing Education Courses of the 79˚ meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, Chicago (USA), Sptember 29-October 2, 1993.


44.      "Effetc of smoking on periodontal regeneration" 72nd General Session of the IADR, Seattle WA (USA), March 9-13 1994.
45.      "Task force on infrabony defects. An evidence-based treatment spproach: succesful regenerative outcomes". Houston, Texas (USA), March 18-20 1994.
46.      "Clinical success and failures in GTR" Europerio 1. 1st meeting of the European Federation of Periodontology. Paris, France, May 12-15 1994.
47.      "Infrabony defects". An evidence-based treatment approach: succesful regenerative outcomes. Toronto, Ontario (Canada). August 5 1994.
48.      "Enhancement of GTR in infrabony defects". Emerging regenerative tecnologies and applications. Toronto, Ontario (Canada). August 6-7 1994.
49.      "Success and failures in GTR" Convencion de Tenerife. Tenerife (Spain) October 29-30 1994.
50.      "Terapia di casi con problemi ortodontici e parodontali" Incontro congiunto SIdP-SIDO, Firenze, November 19, 1994.


51.      "La rigenerazione guidata nei difetti infraossei: un approccio clinico basato sull'evidenza scientifica". Società Italiana di Parodontologia, Bologna, Feb. 3-4, 1995.
52.      "Incremento della prognosi nel trattamento dei difetti ossei angolari". Società Italiana di Parodontologia, Bologna, Feb. 3-4, 1995.
53.      "GTR success and failures". Seminar, University of Bern, Bern (Switzerland), March 1, 1995.
54.      "Clinical management of intrabony defects". Danish Society of Periodontology, Arhus (Denmark), March 4, 1995.
55.      "Guided tissue regeneration with membranes alone", American Academy of Periodontology, Dallas (Texas), April 6-8, 1995.
56.      "Long term stability of clinical attachment following guided tissue regeneration and root planing". Italian Society of Periodontology, VII International Meeting, Florence April 20-22, 1995.
57.      "Guided tissue regeneration with non-resorbable membranes" 53rd National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Periodontology, Santander (Spain), May 11-14, 1995.
58.      "GTR treatment of intrabony defects: an evidence-based approach". Course to the German Society of Periodontology, Frankfurt (Germany) May 26, 1995.
59.      "GTR treatment of intrabony defects: an evidence-based approach". Course to the North Sea Conference, Goteborg University, Goteborg (Sweeden) June 8, 1995.
60.   "Il controllo di qualità nella terapia parodontale" Course to the Ordine dei Medici of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), June 17, 1995.
61.   "Guided tissue regeneration with titanium reinforced membranes" 73rd General Session of the IADR, Singapore June 28- July 1, 1995.
62.    "GTR treatment of intrabony defects". Course to the Indonesian Society of Periodontology. Singapore, July 2, 1995.
63.    "Enhancement of clinical outcomes in the treatment of intrabony defects, gingival recessions, and ridge deformities" 81st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, New York (USA), September 20-24, 1995.
64.    "Rezessionsdeckung mit GTR - ein praxisreifes verfharen?" 13 Jahre GTR. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Parodontologie e.v. Bremen (Germany) September 7-10, 1995.


65.        "Root coverage with membranes" 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, New Orleans (USA), October 9-12, 1996.
66.        "Treatment of intrabony defects with membranes" 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, New Orleans (USA), October 9-12, 1996.
67.        "Perfecting clinical results with GTR" 26th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, Zurich (Switzerland), September 12-14, 1996.
68.        "Controversie in terapia parodontale" 9th Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Periodontology, Firenze (Italy), April 18-20, 1996.
69.        "GTR in periodontal therapy" Continuing education course for the Greek Society of Periodontology, Athens (Greece), March 30, 1996.
70.        "Treatment of intrabony defects with GTR" VIIth Simposium de Parodoncia Interdisciplinaria de la Academia de Parodoncia de la Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico City (Mexico), March 7-9, 1996.
71.        “2nd European Workshop in Periodontology: chemicals in periodontics” European Academy of Periodontology, Ittingen (CH), 3-6 February 1996.


72.      "Can GTR improve the prognosis of compromized teeth" 27th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, Bern (Switzerland), September 11-13, 1997.
73.        "Recent advances in aesthetic periodontal surgery" 85th FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Seoul (Corea), September 5-9, 1997.
74.        "Perfecting clinical outcomes of GTR in intrabony defects" 6th International Symposium in Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, Boston (USA), June 5-8, 1997.
75.        "Esthetic approach in the periodontal management of the antherior dentition" Europerio 2, Firenze (Italy), May 15-17, 1997.
76.        "GTR in intrabony defects" 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Japanese Society of Periodontology, Koryiama, (Japan), April 24-26, 1997.
77.        "GTR at recession defects" 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Japanese Society of Periodontology, Koryiama, (Japan), April 24-26, 1997.
78.        "GTR with non resorbable and resorbable barriers: selection of the regenerative strategy" Periodontal surgery conference of the American Academy of Periodontology, Orlando (USA), April 18-20, 1997.
79.        "Success in treating osseous lesions with GTR" 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, San Diego (USA), October 5-8, 1997.
80.        "Clinical results with GTR" 29as Jornadas Internacionales de la Associacion Odontologica Argentina, Buenos Aires (Argentina), November 3-8, 1997.


81.        "Course on periodontal therapy" 5th FDI/MDI Scientific Convention, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), February 21-22, 1998.
82.        "Course on GTR periodontal therapy" General Meeting of the Australian & New Zeland Academy of Periodontists, Adelaide (Australia), May 20-23, 1998.
83.        "GTR and esthetic in periodontology" 2nd Lustrum of the Dutch Society of Periodontology, Kerckebosch (Holland), June 28, 1998.
84.        "Periodontal therapy and aesthetics: a challange for the years 2000" 86th FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Barcelona (Spain), October 8-12, 1998.


85.       "Aesthetics in periodontology: a challange for the years 2000" XVIII Congreso Brasileiro de Periodontologia, Salvador Ba (Brasil), April 21-25, 1999.
86.        "Parametri clinici per la valutazione del successo in terapia parodontale ricostruttiva" 9th International Meeting of the Spanish Society of Periodontology, Barcelona (Spain), May 6-8, 1999.
87.        "Periodontal treatment of intrabony defects" Course for the Finnish Dental Society and the Section of Periodontology, Helsinky (Finland), October 15-16, 1999.
88.        “Aumenti di cresta per l’estetica in protesi fissa” Congresso Internazionale Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale, Montecatini, 8-9 Ottobre 1999.
89.        “Rapporti fra ortodonzia e parodontologia” XV Congresso Internazionale Società Italiana di Ortodonzia, Roma, 1-6 Dicembre 1999.


90.        “Evaluation of the Effect of Tooth Vitality on Regenerative Outcomes in Infrabony Defects” 78th General Session of the International Association of Dental Research, Washington DC, 5-8 April 2000.
91.        “La terapia Parodontale: scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico” Corso di aggiornamento Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, Milano 31 Marzo-1Aprile 2000.
92.        “Parodontologia per l’ortodonzia” Corso per il XVI Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ortodonzia, Firenze, 1-4 Novembre 2000.


93.        “La terapia Parodontale: scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico” Corso di aggiornamento Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, Milano 7-8 Marzo 2001.
94.        “Il trattamento dei denti con forcazioni coinvolte” Corso per la Società Italiana di Endodonzia, Predappio, 22 Giugno 2001
95.        “Il Progetto Impianti” European Association of Osseointegration, Milano 13-15 September 2001
96.        “Chirurgia Plastica Parodontale” Corso per la Società Italiana di Parodontologia, Montecatini 9-10 Novembre 2001.
97.        “La terapia Parodontale Chirurgica” Videomeeting Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, Napoli, 30 Novembre-1Dicembre 2001.
98         “Controversie in terapia parodontale” Associazione di Parodontologia e Odontoiatria Riabilitativa, Torino, 1-2 Dicembre 2001.


99.        “4th European Workshop in Periodontology: Evidence Based Periodontal Practice” European Academy of Periodontology, Ittingen (CH), 2-6 February 2002.
100.        “La terapia Parodontale: scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico” Corso di aggiornamento Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, Milano 1-2 Marzo 2002.
101.        “Efficacia delle tecniche di chirurgia partodontale” III Congresso Internazionale Città di Milano, Milano, 19-20 Aprile 2002.
102.        ““La terapia Parodontale chirurgica” Corso di aggiornamento Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, Udine, 3-4 Maggio 2002.
103.        “La Terapia Implantare” 45° Congresso Associazione Amici di Brugg, Rimini, 16-18 Maggio 2002.
104.        “Treatment of periodontally involved sigle-rooted teeth” 1st ECO Congress, Verona 13-14 settembre 2002
105.        “Periodontal Plastic Surgery – Coverage of recessions – The scientific way” 32° annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Periodontology. Bern (CH)13-14 september 2002.
106.        “Gestione dei tessuti molli parodontali” IV Congresso di Estetica in Odontoiatria della Repubblica di San Marino0. San Marino 5 ottobre 2002.
107.        “State of the art of regenerative periodontal surgery” 26° annual meeting of “the Studiengruppe fur Restaurative Zahnheilkunde”. Kleve (D) 25-26 October 2002.
108         “La microchirurgia in parodontologia” Corso di aggiornamento della Società Italiana di Parodontologia. Forlì, 7 novembre 2002


109.        “La Parodontologia al servizio dell’estetica” Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Firenze 8 febbraio 2003.
110.        “Parodontologia per il dentista generico” 46° Congresso dell’Associazione Amici di Brugg. Rimini 15-17 maggio 2003.
111.        “AAP Contemporary science workshop” American Academy of Periodontology, Chicago (USA) 26-30 July, 2003.
112         “La rigenerazione tissutale guidata con membrane: quando e come” Corso per la Società Italiana di Parodontologia, Napoli 24-25 ottobre 2003.


113.        “Surgical approaches in anterior areas” European Federation of Periodontology, Europerio 4 Berlin (D) 19=21 June 2004.
114.        “Evaluation of the efficay of BioOss & BioGide in intrabony defects. A randomised, controlled, multicenter clinica trial” Forum for innovations. European Federation of Periodontology, Europerio 4 Berlin (D) 19=21 June 2004.
115.        “Controversies in clinical practice – What is your decision? Selection of different surgical therapy” General debate. European Federation of Periodontology, Europerio 4 Berlin (D) 19=21 June 2004.
116.         “Le metodiche di preservazione della papilla in terapia rigenerativa” 7° Congresso Nazionale Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Microscopica. Roma, 15-17 gennaio 2004.
117.        “Decision making in clinical periodontology: periodontal regenerative surgery” 2nd Symposium of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry in the Course of Time. Bern (CH) 31 January 2004.
118.        “La terapia causale parodontale: nuovi protocolli terapeutici” Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Pisa 7 febbraio 2004.
119.        “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). March 12-13, 2004.
120.        “Linee guida in chirurgia parodontale” Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani. Montecatini Terme, 3 aprile 2004.
121.        “Utilizzo clinico delle amelogenine per il trattamento dei difetti parodontali”. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani e Università di Firenze. Firenze, 17 aprile 2004.
122.     “Il piano di trattamento” Corso per il 47° congresso degli Amici di Brugg. Rimini 20-22 maggio 2004.
123.     “Possibilities and limitations of GTR” 1st European Congress on the Reconstruction of the Periodontally Diseased Patient ECPR. Vienna (A) May 28-30, 2004.
124.     “Corso pratico: I lembi parodontali e le metodiche di sutura”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). June 9-10, 2004.
125.     “Corso pratico: I lembi parodontali e le metodiche di sutura”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). June 11-12, 2004.
126.     “Periodontal therapy and esthetics: an unresolvable dilemma?” 34° Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, Lausanne (CH). september 2-4, 2004.
127.     “Ricostruzione delle selle edentule alterate. Rapporti con terapia ricostruttiva”. ANDI Firenze (Firenze (Italy). September 30, 2004.
128.     “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Firenze (Italy). October 8-9, 2004. 
129.     “Terapia parodontale e impianti nel piano di trattameto integrato” 39° Corso della Fondazione Luigi Castagnola. Rimini (Italy) October 15-16, 2004.
130.      “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Genova (Italy). November 12-13, 2004. 
131.     “La rigenerazione parodontale: una sfida per preservare la funzione el’estetica”. Un di Trieste. Trieste (Italy). November 20, 2004.
132.      “Corso pratico: I lembi parodontali e le metodiche di sutura”. ANDI. Firenze (Italy). November 26-27, 2004. 


133.        “Aethiology and pathogenesis leading to preventive concepts”. 5th European workshop on periodontology. Ittingen (Switzerland). February 5-9, 2005.
134.        “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). April 29-30, 2005.
135.        “I lembi parodontali e le metodiche di sutura”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). May 25-26, 2005.
136.        La terapia parodontale chirurgica: efficacia e limiti”. XII SIdP International Congress. Rimini (Italy). May 5-7, 2005
137.        “Future development in periodontal regeneration”. SFPIO International Congress. Bordeaux (France). June 16-18, 2005.
138.        “Alternatives on root coverage procedures”. 91st Annual Meeting AAP. Denver (USA). September 24-27, 2005.
139.        “Luncheon for learning: Amelogenins and periodontal regeneration”. 91st Annual Meeting AAP. Denver (USA). September 24-27, 2005.
140.        “General session: treatment planning”. 91st Annual Meeting AAP. Denver (USA). September 24-27, 2005.
141.        “Rapporti fra parodontologia ed odontoiatria ricostruttiva”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). October 14-15, 2005
142.     “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Torino (Italy). October 21-22, 2005.
143.     Dalla terapia non-chirurgia alla terapia chirurgica e implantare”. Corso di aggiornamento SIdP. Parma (Italy). October 28-29, 2005.
144.     “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Bologna (Italy). November 25-26, 2005.
145      “I lembi parodontali e le metodiche di sutura”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). December 16-17, 2005


146.        Sessione video “La terapia parodontale rigenerativa”. XIV Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Firenze (Italy). March 16-18, 2006.
147.        “La terapia parodontale. Scelta e pianificazione dell’approccio chirurgico”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). March 24-25, 2006.
148.        “L’uso di amelogenine in terapia parodontale rigenerativa) ANDI Liguria. La Spezia (Italy). March 31, 2016.
149.        “La pianificazione della terapia chirurgica parodontale”. Corso di aggiornamento SIOCMF. Roma (Italy). April 1, 2006.
150.        “The use of barrier membranes. Is it still a valid alternative?” Europerio 5. Madrid (Spain). June 29 – July 1, 2006
151.        “Reconstructive periodontal surgery. A challenge for modern periodontology” Europerio 5. Madrid (Spain). June 29 – July 1, 2006
152.         “Il trattamento di pazienti affetti da parodontite grave. Criteri per una scelta razionale dell opzioni di terapia parodontale, implantare e ricostruttiva per il recupero di funzione ed estetica” ANDI Reggio Emilia. Reggio Emilia (Italy). October 21, 2006.
153.        “La rigenerazione parodontale nei difetti infraossei”. ANDI Napoli. Napoli (italy). November 18. 2006.
154.        “Il trattamento di pazienti affetti da parodontite grave. Criteri per una scelta razionale dell opzioni di terapia parodontale, implantare e ricostruttiva per il recupero di funzione ed estetica” ANDI & Un di Brescia. Brescia (Italy). November 25, 2006.
155.       “Root coverage: a challange of modern periodontology”. Course at the Annual Meeting of SPPI. Lisboa (Portugal). December 1-2, 2006.


156.        “Il trattamento d pazienti affetti da parodontite grave”. Cenacolo Odontostomatologico del Giglio. Firenze (Italy). February 8, 2007.
157.        “Approccio di Team ai problemi ortodontici, parodontali e protesici. Una visione terapeutica interdisciplinare”. 44° Corso Fondazione Luigi Castagnola. Rimini (Italy) March 9-10, 2007.
158.        “The swan and the ugly duckling: metamorphosis and tales in periodontology”. Pre-congress course of the XIII SIdP International Congress. Firenze (Italy). March 15-17, 2007.
159.        “State of the art of periodontal regeneration”. The American Dental Club of Paris. Paris (France). April 26, 2007.
160.        “Scientific Chairman” 1st Implant Symposium. Firenze (Italy). May 4-5, 2007.
161.        “Corso pratico: I lembi parodontali e le metodiche di sutura”. ANDI. Milano (Italy). May 25-26, 2007.
162.        “Perspectives in Periodontology”. Course for ANZAP. Sydney (Australia). July 28-29, 2007.
163.        “Novel approaches in flap surgery”. 37th annual meeting SSP. Berne (Switzerland). September 13-15, 2007.
164.        Lectio Magistralis “Tooth or implant in patients with periodontitis: scientific criteria for the clinical choice”. 1st ICOI Italy Meeting. Pisa (Italy). October 4-6, 2007.
165.     “Mastering periodontal regeneration of intrabony defects in aesthetically-sensitive sites”. Gnathologischer Arbeitskreis Stuttgart. Stuttgart (Germany). October 24, 2007.
166.     “La terapia rigenerativa parodontale: stato dell’arte”. Corso di Perfezionamento Un. di Firenze. Firenze (Italy). November 22, 2007.


167.        “Contemporary Periodontics”. 6th European workshop on periodontology. Ittingen (Switzerland). February 2-6, 2008.
168.        Corso pre congressuale “Processi decisionali nelle forme gravi di parodontiti”. XV Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Bologna (Italy) March 6-8, 2008.
169.        “La terapia pardontale rigenerativa. Un’opzione chirurgica eficace e predicibile per il recupero di denti gravemente compromessi”. ANDI Piemonte. Langhe di Cherasco, Cuneo (Italy). April 4-5, 2008.
170.        “La rigenerazione parodontale: dalla teoria all’applicazione pratica”. Un di Trieste. Trieste (Italy). May 30-31, 2008.
171.        “La terapia pardontale rigenerativa. Un’opzione chirurgica eficace e predicibile per il recupero di denti compromessi”. Progetto Quarta Corsia Via Satellite. June 21, 2008.
172.        “Parodontologia e ortodonzia. Canini inclusi e denti con anomalie di eruzione”. ISO Leone. Firenze (Italy). July 3-4, 2008.
173.         “25 years of periodontal regnneration – where are we today”. 5th Munsteraner Symposium fur implantoloe und parodontologie. Munster (Germany). September 5-6, 2008.
174.        “The ultimate challange of GTR”. SSP Congress. Geneve (Switzerland). September 18-20, 2008.
175.        “La pianificazione della terapia chirurgica parodontale: opzioni e risultati attesi”. ANDI Nazionale. Roma (Italy). October 4, 2008.
176.     “Criteri per una scelta razionale delle opzioni di terapia parodontale ed implantare nei pazienti affetti da parodontite”. 3° Congresso Exacone Leone. Firenze (Italy). October 10, 2008.
177.     “Terapia parodontale rigenerativa”. Via Satellite per Amici di Brugg. October 13,, 2008.
178.     “La terapia parodontale rigenerativa. Un’opzione chirurgica eficace e predicibile per il recupero di denti compromessi” Corso per Un di Messina. Giardini Naxos Messina (Italy). October 17-18, 2008.
179.     “La rigenerazione parodontale. Dalla teoria all’applicazione pratica”. ANDI Napoli. Napoli (italy) November 20-21, 2008.
180.      “Il confine fra terapia parodontale ed implantare”. ODM e Albo Odontoiatri Varese. Varese (Italy). November 29, 2008.


181.        Lectio Magistralis “Cemento radicolare o titanio? Le novità tecnologiche e cliniche della terapia ricostruttiva” Congresso Nazionale SIO. Bologna (Italy). January 30-31, 2009.
182.        “Scientific Chairman” 2nd Implant Symposium. Riccione (Italy) February 12-14, 2009.
183.        Lectio Magistralis “Parodontologia: una visione interdisciplinare. Dalla biologia alla pratica clinica”. XIV SIdP International Congress. Bologna (Italy) March 5-7, 2009.
184.        “La terapia ortodontica e parodontale di denti inclusi o ad eruzione vestibolare”. ISO Leone. Firenze (Italy). April 16-17, 2009.
185.        “Parodontologia ed implantologia oggi: lo stato dell’arte”. ANDI Messina. Taormina (Italy). May8-9, 2009.
186.        “Scientific Chairman” at Europerio 6. Stockholm (Sweden). June 4-6, 2009
187.        “Rapporto fra parodontologia e odontoiatria ricostruttiva”. ANDI Progetto Quarta Corsia. Corso Satellitare. June 13, 2009.
188.        “Surgical technique and material selection in periodontal regeneration”. 95th AAP Annual Meeting. Boston (USA). September 12-15, 2009.
189.        “Potenziale e limiti del recupero di denti gravemente compromessi: un approccio interdisciplinare”. XVII Congresso Nazionale AIE. Monecatini Terme (Italy). October 2-3, 2009.
190.     “I principi biologici in chirurgia parodontale rigenerativa”. XII Modulo del Master in Parodontologia Un di Napoli. Napoli (Italy). October 12, 2009.
191.     “Periodontal Regeneration in intrabony defects”. SEPA. Seville (Spain). November 5-7, 2009.
192.     “Il trattamento di pazienti affetti da parodontite. Criteri per una scelta razionale delle opzioni di terapia parodontale ed implantare”. Cenacolo del Giglio. Firenze (Italy). November 28, 2009.


193.        “Il recupero di denti gravemente compromessi: un approccio interdisciplinare”. VI Memorial Michele Cagidiaco. Pisa (Italy). February 5-6, 2010.
194.        “Approccio chirurgico mini invasivo”. XVI Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Bologna (Italy). March 4-6, 2010.
195.        “Periodontal regenerative surgery” DGP. Berlin (Germany). April 23-24, 2010.
196.        “Guided tissue regeneration: development and experiences of a successful treatment modality”. BSP Spring Meeing. Brighton (UK). April 26-27, 2010.
197.        “From papilla preservation flaps to minimally invasive surgery: the impact of flap design on clinical outcomes”. 10thInternational Symposium on Periodontics & restorative Dentistry. Boston (USA). June 10-13, 2010.
198.        “Il dente gravemente compromesso: discussione sulle opzioni terapeutiche”. 3° Memorial Calandriello. Bologna (italy). September 25, 2010.
199.        “Piano di trattamento: alternative? Discussione interattiva di un caso clinico”. Nobel Biocare Symposium. Rimini (Italy). October 1-2, 2010.
200.        Hands-on training on “Periodontal regenerative surgery” DGP. Firenze (Italy). October 15-16, 2010.
201.        “Aesthetics in periodontal surgery: rebuilding hard and soft tissues in patients with periodontal disease”. Winter Academy Odontology. Versilia (Italy). October 29-30, 2010.
202.     “Denti gravemente compromessi: recupero o estrazione. Una prospettiva parodontale”. ANDI. Firenze (Italy). November 5-6, 2010.
203.      “Periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects” Training Microsurgical Workshop. SEPA. Barcelona (Spain). November 12-13, 2010.


204.          “Scientific Chairman” 3rd Implant Symposium. Riccione (Italy). February 17-19, 2011.
205.          “Chirurgia estetica mucogengivale” Amici di Brugg – Corsi Satellitari 2011. April 4, 2011.
206.          “Where are we and where do we go with periodontal regeneration? From case selection to practical application”. ARSKURSUS 2011 Tandlaege Foreningen. Copenhagen (Denmark). April 7-9, 2011.
207.          “The tooth with a deep intrabony defect – Regenerative strategies and clinical outcomes” The 3rd international Symposium of the University of Gothemburg. Gothenburg (Sweden). May 6-7, 2011.
208.          “State of the art of plastic periodontal surgery” 51st Seminarion Annual Association Colombiana de Periodoncia Y Osseointegracion. Cartagena (Columbia). August 17-20, 2011.
209.           “State of the art of periodontal regeneration” 51st Seminarion Annual Association Colombiana de Periodoncia Y Osseointegracion. Cartagena (Columbia). August 17-20, 2011.
210.          “Periodontal plastic surgery in aesthetic areas” XXXII Reunion National AMP. Monterrey (Mexico). August 31 – September 3, 2011.
211.          “Periodontal regeneration or alternatives to treat severely compromised teeth” XXXII Reunion National AMP. Monterrey (Mexico). August 31 – September 3, 2011.
212.           “Papilla preservation techniques: mastering periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects” 20th EAO Annul Scientific Meeting. Athens (Greece). October 12-15, 2011.
213.       “Le sfide della parodontologia” Master UN di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Modena (Italy). October 20, 2011.
214.       “Il ripristino della funzione e dell’estetica con un approccio conservativo” Corso di aggiornamento SIdO. Milano (Italy) October 21-22, 2011.
215.       “Mastering periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects” NVvP Annual Congress. Utrecht (Nederland). November 10-11, 2011
216.       “Minimally invasive surgical techniques” 97th AAP Annual Meeting. Miami Beach (USA) November 12-15, 2011.


217.          “La chirurgia rigenerativa” Master di II livello Un Politecnica delle Marche. Ancona (Italy). January 14, 2012.
218.          “La riegenerazione parodontale: dalla teoria all’applicazione pratica”. Corsi di aggiornamento ISI. Milano (Italy). Janury 20-21, 2012.
219.          “Mastering periodontal plastic surgery in aesthetically sensitive sites” The 21st Conference ot the Israel Periodontal & Osseoimtegration Society. Tel-Aviv (Israel) February 1-2, 2012.
220.          “The severely compromised tooth in the periodontal patient” The 21st Conference ot the Israel Periodontal & Osseoimtegration Society. Tel-Aviv (Israel) February 1-2, 2012.
221.           “L’approccio chirurgico rigenerativo”. XVII Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Bologna (Italy). March 15-17, 2012.
222.          “Denti gravemente compromessi: è possibile cambiarne la prognosi” Congresso Nazionale dei Docenti. Torino (Italy) April 12-14, 2012.
223.          “Discussione casi clinici da semplici a complessi” Osteology National Symposium. Rimini (Italy). April 19-21, 2012.
224.          Chairman Osteology. National Symposium. Rimini (Italy). April 19-21, 2012.
225.          “Il concetto di ampiezza biologica: attuali orientamenti” XV AIC Internacional Congress. Riva del Garda (Italy). May 4-5, 2012.
226.       “3D video session” Europerio 7. Wien (Austria). June 6-9, 2012.
227.       “Periodontal regeneration – Still a challenge?” Europerio 7. Wien (Austria). June 6-9, 2012.
228.       “La gestione dei tessuti molli nei trattamenti perio implantari” Zimmer Days. Venezia (Italy). September 20-21, 2012.
229.       “Regeneration of the periodontal lesion in clinical therapy today” 98th AAP Annual Meeting. Los Angeles (USA). September 29 – October 2, 2012.
230.       “A retrospective look at 25 years of periodontal plastic surgery” 98th AAP Annual Meeting. Los Angeles (USA). September 29 – October 2, 2012.
231.       “Regenerative care in clinical practice today: a comprehensive understanding of current strategies and techniques” AAP Post Annual Meeting CE Symposium. Los Angeles (USA). October 4, 2012.
232.       “Lesioni endo-parodontali: un approccio interdisciplinare” ANDI Lucca. Viareggio (Italy). October 13, 2012.
233.       “Regenerative surgery” SMPI International Congress. Marrakesh (Marocco). October 19-20, 2012.
234.        “The severely compromised tooth: changing the prognosis with regeneration”. XXI Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Dental Association. Porto (Portugal) November 8-10, 2012.
235.       “Recupero della corona clinica. Aspetti parodontali endodontici e restaurativi” ANDI Firenze. Firenze (Italy). November 17, 2012.


236.          “Gingival recessions and non-carious cervical lesions: integrated periodontal and restorative management” Seminar of the Hellenic Society of Periodontology. Athens (Greece). December 7-8, 2013.
237.          “Scientific Chairman” 4th Implant Symposium. Riccione (Italy). February 21-23, 2013.
238.          “La chirurgia rigenerativa” Master di II livello Un Politecnica delle Marche. Ancona (Italy). March 2, 2013.
239.           “Terapia parodontale ricostruttiva. È possibile semplificare la diagnosi e il trattamento di difetti infraossei e recessioni gengivali?” XVI SIdP International Congress. (Rimini (Italy). March 14-16, 2013.
240.          “Perio-reconstructive treatment of complex cases”. ARSKURSUS 2013 Tandlaege Foreningen. Copenhagen (Denmark). April 11-13, 2013.
241.          “Denti gravemente compromessi: è possibile cambiare la prognosi con terapia parodontale o è preferibile estrarli e sostituirli protesicamente?” Congresso Regionale ANDI Toscana. Firenze (Italy). April 12-13, 2013.
242.          “How to keep the periodontally compromised tooth?” Osteology International Symposium. Monaco (Montecarlo). May 2-4, 2013.
243.          “The application of amelogenins in the surgery of intrabony” Osteology International Symposium. Monaco (Montecarlo). May 2-4, 2013.
244.           “Mastering periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects” DGP Advanced Course. Munster (Germany). May 10-11, 2013.
245.       “Il recupero di denti gravemente compromessi: le indicazioni, i limiti e le alternative terapeutiche” 12th International Congress Sweden & Martina. Padova (Italy). June 6-8, 2013.
246.       “The current status of surgical regenerative treatment options” 8th IFED World Congress. Munich (Germany). September 18-21, 2013.
247.       “The severely compromised tooth” 3-D Video. Belgian Society of Periodontology. Antwerpen (Belgium). November 8, 2013.
248.       “Periodontal Plastic Surgery and Soft Tissue Regeneration” X EFP European Workshop on Periodontology. La Granja (Spain). November 10-13, 2013.
249.       “Periodontal regeneration of periodontally compromised teeth” Neue Gruppe Annual Congress. Hamburg (Germany). November 21-23, 2013


250.          Chairman 1st EFP Master Clinic. Paris (France). February 7-8, 2014.
251.          “Limiti della terapia non chirurgica e razionale della terapia chirurgica” XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Rimini (Italy). March 14-15, 2014.
252.          “Diagnosi prevenzione e terapia delle patologie dento-implanto-parodontali” Un Sapienza Roma. Roma (Italy). March 28, 2014.
253.           “Diagnosi prevenzione e terapia delle patologie dento-implanto-parodontali” ANDI Catania. Acireale (Italy). May 9-10, 2014.
254.          “Periodontology: therapeutic options” DGP Annual Congress. Munster (Germany). September 18-20, 2014.
255.          “Periodontal plastic surgery. What are the important principles?” BSP Autumn Conference. Birmingham (UK). September 22-23, 2014.
256.          “The expanding limits of periodontal regeneration in changing tooth prognosis” 23rd EAO Annual Scientific Meeting. Roma (Italy). September 25-27, 2014.
257.          Chairman Corso di Aggiornamento SIdP “Il recupero del dente compromesso da grave perdita di tessuto dentale” Firenze (Italy). October 17-18, 2014.


258.          “La chirurgia minimamente invasive in terapia rigenerativa parodontale: come evocare il potenziale rigenerativo autologo del paziente” XVIII Congresso Nazionale AIOM. Roma (Italy) January 31-31, 2015.
259.          “Microsurgery and periodontal regeneration – Methods and techniques” 24th Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration. Tel-Aviv (Israel. February 4-5, 2015.
260.          “Il risultato a lungo termine della terapia parodontale: miti e certezze” XVII SIdP International Congress. Rimini (Italy). March 5-7, 2015.
261.          “Advanced course on periodontal regeneration: 3D presentation”. Curso pre Congreso Implante Perio. Sao Paulo (Brazil). March 10-11, 2015
262.          “Periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects”.1° Congreso Implante Perio. Sao Paulo (Brazil). March 12-14, 2015
263.          “Root coverage: the aesthetic challange”.1° Congreso Implante Perio. Sao Paulo (Brazil). March 12-14, 2015.
264.          “Advanced course on periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects”. Medicina Dental. Buenos Aires (Argentina). March 14, 2015.
265.          “Il recupero dei denti affetti da parodontite grave: possibilità e strategie terapeutiche”. Convegno per il quindicinale Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica Un di Napoli Federico II. Napoli (Italy). April 23-24, 2015.
266.          “Quali sono le alternative alla terapia implantoprotesica in zona estetica” Leaders Forum AIOP & SIdP. May 8-9, 2015.
267.       “Diagnosi prevenzione e terapia delle patologie dento-implanto-parodontali” ANDI Vicenza. Vicenza (Italy). May 23, 2015.
268.       “Current state of the art in periodontal regeneration. Advances in the management of intrabony defects” Europerio 8. London (UK). June 3-6, 2015.
269.       “La terapia rigenerativa: come cambiare la prognosi di denti con grave perdita di supporto parodontale” 13th Premium Day Sweden & Martina. Padova (Italy). June 11-13, 2015.
270.       Chairman Osteology. National Symposium. Firenze (Italy). October 1-3, 2015.
271.       “Current and future concepts in periodontal regeneration and tissue engineering” 101st AAP Annual Meeting. Orlando (USA). November 14-17, 2015.
272.       “Periodontal regeneration: treatment techniques for saving hopeless teeth” 101st AAP Annual Meeting. Orlando (USA). November 14-17, 2015.
273.        “Periodontal regeneration of intrabony dfeects and furcations: selection of the surgical approach” III Simposio Europeo/SEPA. Madrid (Spain). November 28, 2015.
274.       “Video session on the surgical procedures: technical improvement for periodontal regeneration” III Simposio Europeo/SEPA. Madrid (Spain). November 28, 2015.


275.          Chairman Corso di Aggiornamento AIE-SIdP “L’elemento dentale con compromissione endodontica e parodontale”. Bologna (Italy). February 13, 2016.
276.          “Appropriatezza del trattamento del difetto osseo parodontale e alveolare” XIX Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Torino (Italy). March 17-19, 2016.
277.          “State of the art of periodontal regeneration”. Polish Society of Periodontology. Warsaw (Poland). March 17-19, 2016.
278.          hands-on training workshop “Periodontal regeneration”. Polish Society of Periodontology. Warsaw (Poland). March 20, 2016.
279.          “Clinical Concepts for regenerative surgery in intrabony defects”. Course and hands-on training workshop for DDA. Hindsgavl Slot (Denmark). April 15-16, 2016.
280.          “Treatment options to improve aesthetic outcomes”. International Symposium Osteology. Montecarlo (Monaco). April 21-23, 2016.
281.           “Periodontal regeneration: acquisition of the state of the art competence”. KU Leuven University, Dept of Periodontology. Leuven (Belgium). September 22-23, 2016.
282.          Hands-on training workshop “Periodontal regeneration: acquisition of the practical skills”. KU Leuven University, Dept of Periodontology. Leuven (Belgium). September 22-23, 2016.
283.          “Periodontal Regeneration. How to change the prognosis of compromised teeth”. 9th International Sofia Dental Meeting. Sofia (Bulgaria). October 6-9, 2016.
284.       “La strategia chirurgica” 5° Congrasso SIA. Genova (Italy). November 5, 2016.
285.       “Periodontal regeneration. The perfect concept”. Zahnartlicher Arbeitskreis Kempten. Kempten (Germany). November 11-12, 2016.
286.       “Regenerative periodontal therapy: a real alternative to dental implants?” 2nd International Symposium ZMK Bern. Bern (Switzerland). November 18-19, 2016.


287.        Hands-on microsurgical training workshop on “Periodontal regeneration”. Israeli Society of Periodontology & Osseointegration. Tel Aviv (Israeli). January 30, 2017.
288.        “The severely compromised tooth in periodontal patients: when periodontal therapy is an alternative to implants”. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Periodontology & Osseointegration. Tel Aviv (Israeli). February 1-2, 2017.
289.        “State of the art of periodontal regenerative treatment. 3D presentation” Annual Meeting SPPI. Lisboa (Portugal). February 18, 2017.
290.        Hands-on Training “Periodontal regeneration” Annual Meeting SPPI. Lisboa (Portugal). February 18, 2017.
291.        “Periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects. What are the limits?” Annual SEPA Meeting. Malaga (Spain). May 25-27, 2017.
292.        “Changing the prognosis of severely compromised teeth with periodontal regeneration” 100 years Celbration of Eastman Institute for Oral Health. Rochester (USA). June 9-10, 2017.
293.        CE Course: “How to change the prognosis of hopeless teeth in periodontal patients” 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, Boston, MA, September 9 – 12, 2017
294.        Hands-on course: “Minimally Invasive Flap Technique for Regeneration” 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, Boston, MA, September 9 – 12, 2017
295.        “Periodontal Regeneration. How to change the prognosis of severely compromised teeth”. Society of Japan Clinical Dentistry international (SJCD) Congress. Verona (Italy). September 22-23, 2017.
296.     “Periodontal regenerative microsurgery” Hands-on training with microscopes. SEPA. Madrid (Spain). October 6-7, 2017.
297.     “Periodontal regeneration: translating biologic concepts into clinical application” 26th annual scientific meeting of EAO. Madrid (Spain). October 5-7, 2017.
298.     Hands-on training workshop “Microsurgical regenerative techniques”. SEPA. Madrid (Spain). October 6-7, 2017.
299.     “Periodontal regeneration: state of the art”. 30 years of Taiwan Academy of Periodontology. Taipei (Taiwan). October 20-22, 2017.
300.     Hands-on training workshop “Periodontal regeneration: acquisition of the practical skills”. Taiwan Academy of Periodontology. Taipei (Taiwan). October 23-24, 2017.
301.     “Surgical tool kit: access, resection or regeneration – how to choose” The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong (China). October 26, 2017.
302.       “Come si può modificare la prognosi di un dente gravemente compromesso? Corso di aggiornamento della SIdP. Torino (Italia) October 13-14, 2017
303.       “World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions.” AAP-EFP. Chicago (USA) November 9-11, 2017.
304.       “Saving severely compromised or hopeless teeth: a challenge?”. Finnish Dental Society Apollonia. Helsinky (Finland). November 23-25, 2017.


305.          “Saving severely compromised or hopeless teeth: a challenge?” Course for SFPIO. Paris (France). January 20, 2018.
306.          “Periodontal Regeneration on Infrabony Defects. How to change the prognosis of compromised teeth: 3D-video demonstration of surgical techniques”. 3rd Periodontal Conference. Warsaw (Poland). March 2-3, 2018.
307.          “Clinical Concepts for regenerative surgery in intrabony defects”. Course and hands-on training workshop for DDA. Hindsgavl Slot (Denmark). April 20-21, 2018.
308.          “Saving hopeless teeth”. Focus Congress of the Swiss Society of Implantology. Bern (Switzerland). May 4, 2018.
309.          “Il trattamento delle recessioni gengivali. ANDI Napoli (Italy). May 12, 2018
310.          Lectio Magistralis “La centralità della parodontologia all’interno del piano di trattamento” XX Congresso Nazionale SIdP. Rimini (Italy). March 15-17, 2018
311.          “Critical factors in osseous defects” 3D session. 9th Europerio Meeting. Amsterdam (Holland). June 20-23, 2018
312.          Key-note Lecture: “Benefits of L-PRF for the regeneration of periodontal defects” 2nd European Meeting on Enhanced Natural Healing in Dentistry. Leuven (Belgium). September 7-8, 2018.
313.          “La chirurgia rigenerativa è utile o necessaria?” Osteology Meeting. Torino (Italy) September 27-29, 2018.
314.       “Trattamento delle parodontiti e scelta della terapia chirurgica” ANDI Reggio Emilia (Italy). September 29, 2018.
315.       “Treatment of gingival recessions”. Zahnartlicher Arbeitskreis Kempten. Kempten (Germany). October 19-20, 2018.
316.       “Regenerative periodontal surgery”. Swiss Perio Education week. Zurich (Switzerland). November 8, 2018
317.       “Periodontal regeneration in teeth severely compromised by intrabony defects and / or furcation“. Semmelweis Un Faculty of Dentistry Dept of Periodontology. Budapest (Hungary). November 22-24, 2018.
318.        “Il ruolo centrale della terapia non chirurgica nella strategia rigenerativa”. Congrasso Nazionale SIOCMF. Roma (Italy) December 14-15, 2018.


319.          “Hands-on Training seminar on microsurgical regenerative techniques”. 5-D Group. Tokyo (Japan). March 14-15, 2019.
320.          “Periodontal regeneration on intrabony and furcation defects: how to change the prognosis of compromised teeth”. 5-D Group. Tokyo (Japan). March 16-17 , 2019.
321.          “Personalizzare le procedure chirurgiche rigenerative parodontali” XIX International SIdP Meeting. Rimini (Italy). March 21-23, 2019.
322.          “Regeneration around compromised teeth and implants”. Periodent Conference. Tallin (Estonia). April 12-13, 2019.
323.          Hands-on course “Periodontal regeneration: acquisition of the practical skills”. Periodent Conference. Tallin (Estonia). April 12-13, 2019.
324.          “Periodontal regeneration in molars severely compromised by combined furcation and intrabony defects“. International Osteology Symposium. Barcelona (Spain). April 25-27, 2019.
325.          “Apically positioned flaps and resective surgery in the treatment of periodontal defects” “Crown lengthening procedure: biological driven resective surgery” “Reconstructive dentistry and relationship with periodontal tissues: clinical flow charts”. Leuven University. Leuven (Belgium). May 8-9. 2019.
326.          “Periodontal Regeneration: an overview. Mastering the treatment at intrabony defects. Mastering the treatment at molar sites. Periodontal Regeneration: future trends and Debate” Annual Meeting SEPA. Valencia (Spain). May 29-June 1, 2019.
327.          “Evolution in the preservation of papilla”. Annual Meeting SEPA. Valencia (Spain). May 29-June 1, 2019.
328.       “Retaining hopeless teeth” Annual Meeting DG Paro. Rarmstadt (Germany). September 19-21, 2019.
329.       “Can regeneration change the prognosis of teeth with severe infrabony and furcation defects? Challanging the clinical decision to extract a tooth and replace with an implant or save a tooth with regeneration”. Dental Seminar LTD. Moscow (Russia). September 22, 2019.
330.       “Periodontal regeneration in teeth severely compromised by intrabony and / or furcation defects”. 2nd Urban Int Hard & Soft tissue regeneration Symp. Budapest (Hungary). October 18-19, 2019.
331.       “Clinical Tips and Tricks ORTO-PERIO-ENDO. Il paziente sano, suscettibile o ammalato di parodontite: criteri classificativi, aspetti diagnostici, fattori di rischio, prognosi”. Corso annuale AIE. Firenze (Italy) October 19, 2019.
332.       “Can regeneration change the prognosis of teeth with severe intrabony and furcation defects”. Meeting Mastertreffen.DE. Berlin (Germany). November 8-9, 2019.
333.       “Root coverage and ridge augmentation. Clinical procedures to enhance aesthetics”. NEUE Gruppe Annual Meeting. Munster (Germany). November 14-16, 2019.


334.          “Terapia rigenerativa di molari con forcazioni coinvolte. Il microscopio operatorio “alleato” imprescindibile” XXI Congresso Nazionale AIOM. Roma (Italy). January 17-18, 2020.
335.          “Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique (MIST) In Regenerative Periodontal Therapy” BAAD Meeting 2020. London (UK). January 24-25, 2020.
336.           “Soft tissue management in regenerative periodontal surgery”. 3rd International Symposium: Soft tissue management around teeth and implants. Firenze (Italy February 7-8, 2020.
337.          “Reconstructive concepts in furcation defects: influence of flap design”. EFP Master Clinic. Dublin (Ireland). March 6-7, 2020.
338.          Live surgery “Regeneration on intrabony defects”. XXI SIdP National Meeting. Rimini (Italy) March 12-14, 2020.
339.          “Flap management in regenerative surgery in molars with combined intrabony and furcation defects” Webinar for DG Paro. April 22, 2020.
340.          “Surgical strategy to regeneration of periodontitis lesions: step by step surgical approach” 40 years of periodontology AT UZ Leuven University. April 25, 2020.
341.          “Surgical strategy to regeneration of gingival recessions: step by step surgical approach” 40 years of periodontology AT UZ Leuven University. April 25, 2020
342.          “Strategia clinica per il trattamento delle peri-implantiti” Webinar Geistlich. September 23, 2020.
343.       “My advanced strategy to treat periimplantitis with regeneration” Online course for the Taiwan Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry. October 18, 2020.
344.        “Clinical Concepts for regenerative surgery in intrabony defects”. Course and hands-on training workshop for DDA. Hindsgavl Slot (Denmark). December 4-5, 2020.


345.          “Periodontal and peri-implant disease: a clinical challenge” Aurum Academy Course. Moscow (Russia). January 31- February 1, 2021.
346.           “30years of experience saving hopeless teeth: indications, limits and clinical approach”. Geistlich 2nd Online congress on regenerative dentistry. February 2, 2021.
347.          “Microsurgery in periodontal tissue regeneration” Online seminar for PiMA University of Michigan. March 19, 2021.
348.          “Regenerative surgery in practice“. DG Paro annual meeting (online). June 4-5, 2021.
349.          “My advanced strategy to treat periimplantitis with regeneration”. Online BAAD. June 9, 2021.
350.          “State of the art of tooth preservation” Osteology Paris 2021. Paris (France) September 23-25, 2021.
351.          “Soft tissue management around teeth and implants” Aurum Academy Course. Moscow (Russia). October 8-9, 2021.
352.          “Regenerative surgery in periodontal and preimplant defects” Online course for the Taiwan Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry. October 17-18, 2021.
353.          “Periodontal regeneration in teeth severely compromised by intrabony defects and / or furcations”.  DDA Annual Symosium. Aalborg (Denmark). November 5-6, 2021
354.       “Can we still save teeth?” 107th AAP Annual Meeting. Miami Beach (USA). November 4-7, 2021.
355.        Live surgery “Regeneration on intrabony defects”. Annual Meeting SEPA. Sevilla (Spain). November 25-27, 2021.


356.          “La gestione delle parodontiti di stadio III secondo le linee guida EFP” ANDI Napoli (Italy) January 15, 2022.
357.          “Periodontal regeneration”. Webinar for the National Osteology Group Italia (NOGI). January 27, 2022
358.          “Papilla Preservation and Minimally Invasive Surgery for the Treatment of Peri-implant Osseous Defects”. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration. Tel-Aviv, February 9-10, 2022.
359.          “Treatment of ridge deformities: how to optimize aesthetic and function”. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration. Tel-Aviv, February 9-10, 2022.
360.          “Treatment of combined furcation and intrabony defects” EFPVirtual EuroperioSeries. March 14, 2022.
361.          “Hopeless" tooth or hopeless clinician? Evidence-based approaches for the terminal dentition. Memorial to B Tenenbaum. Columbia University. New York (USA). May 6, 2022
362.          “Nightmare session – Periodontitis: Periodontal Regeneration” Europerio 10. Copenhagen (Denmark). June 15-18, 2022.
363.          “Hands-on course on Periodontal Regeneration“. 40th Anniversary JACP.  Yokohama (Japan). July 30-31, 2022
364.          “The evolution of materials and flap design for periodontal tissue regeneration therapy “. 40th Anniversary JACP.  Yokohama (Japan). July 30-31, 2022
365.       “Giving hope to hopeless teeth “. 40th Anniversary JACP.  Yokohama (Japan). July 30-31, 2022 

366.       “The state of the art of regenerative surgery” Fall Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Periodontists (NESP). New York (USA), October 7, 2022.
367.          “La chirurgia Parodontale Rigenerativa Minimamente Invasiva” IX Corso Annuale SIdP. Bologna (Italy). October 14, 2022.
368.          “Battle of concepts: periodontitis – severely compromised teeth in the aesthetic area. When preserve a tooth” Osteology Foundation & SIdP Joint Meeting, Rome (Italy), November 3-5, 2022.
369.          “Regenerative periodontal therapy – Significance in the management of patients with severe periodontitis” Workshop at the Neue Gruppe Annual Meeting 2022. Munich (Germany), November 17, 2022.
370.          “Prevention and possible solutions to pitfalls and complications in plastic periodontal surgery” Neue Gruppe Annual Meeting 2022. Munich (Germany), November 18, 2022.
371.          “Gestione dei tessuti molli: metodiche di incisione e suture” Hands-on course Pre-4° GBR Symposium. Bologna (Italy), November 24, 2022.
372.          Lectio Magistralis “La chirurgia minimamente invasiva: vantaggi nella gestione delle procedure chirurgiche e impatto sul periodo post-operatorio del paziente”. 4° GBR Symposium. Bologna (Italy), November 25, 2022.


373.         “Periodontal Regeneration: 30 years of experience” King’s College London.   London (UK), January 12-13, 2023
374.         “Multidisciplinary approach to complex cases: the periodontics – restorative relationship” Aurum Academy. Moscow (Russia), March 31 – April 1, 2023.
375.         “Regeneration of combined furcation and intrabony defects: long term clinical outcomes” International Osteology Symposium. Barcelona (Spain), April 27-29, 2023.

376.           “Periodontal regeneration – Teeth versus implants. Association of Dental Implantology. Birmingham (UK), May 4-5, 2023.

377.          “Periodontal regeneration: perfecting the surgical approach” Two-day course & hands-on for the Danish Dental Society. Hindsgavl (DK), October 6-7, 2023.

378.          “Minimally invasive regenerative surgery” Annual course of the Italian Society of Periodontology. Bologna (Italy). October 13-14, 2023

379.          “Clinical strategies for successful periodontal regeneration”. 109th Annual Meeting American Academy of Periodontology. Austin (USA) November 9-12, 2023.

380.          “Periodontal regeneration. Theory & hands-on” 2- course for the MAS, University of Zurich. Zurich (CH), November 17-18, 2023

381.          “The evolution of periodontal surgery”. Meeting of the Dutch Society of Periodontology (NVVP).  Hilversum (Nederland) November 24, 2023.  


382.          “Saving compromised teeth with regeneration” Midwinter course of the Swedish Society of Periodontology. Goteborg (Sweden) January 18-19, 2024.